Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Never an Easy Conversation

Pages from
Butterfly Kisses and Wishes on Wings: When someone you love has cancer... a hopeful, helpful book for kids

This second time, I was not so delicate.

The phone rang, I heard the news - all three sites from my axilla (armpit) were malignant.  I may have blurted the news right out to Griffin, who is now 13 (he was 5) the first time.  He immediately went and told Nate who is now 11.  His eyes, immediately, began to well up.

I'd like to think I handled it more gently in the moments following. It's never an easy conversation, even with a prior history and all the work I have done with my cousin Ellen.  But we continue to work through it - Together.

That was just about 2 months ago.  Finally, I have a plan.

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