The following prayer was composed by the students at Temple Beth El Religious School where my son is a student.
As our grandmother used to say... "from your lips to God's ears..."
Prayers for ourselvesAvinu malkenu (Our creator, our sovereign),
help us make more friends
help us get good grades
teach us to respect our parents
teach us to see things from other people’s perspectives
help us to stand up for what is right
show me how I can help the community
help us to make the world happy
keep us healthy and safe
Avinu malkenu, honenu va’anenu ki eyn banu ma’asimhelp us get good grades
teach us to respect our parents
teach us to see things from other people’s perspectives
help us to stand up for what is right
show me how I can help the community
help us to make the world happy
keep us healthy and safe
asey imanu tzedakah vahesed vehoshi’enu
Prayers for our familiesAvinu malkenu,
help us spend more time together
grant us peace and quiet
help us to have a home
help us to stay happy and healthy
keep us safe
help us to get along better
help us to have jobs
help us to love one another
Avinu malkenu, honenu va’anenu ki eyn banu ma’asimgrant us peace and quiet
help us to have a home
help us to stay happy and healthy
keep us safe
help us to get along better
help us to have jobs
help us to love one another
asey imanu tzedakah vahesed vehoshi’enu
Prayers for the worldAvinu malkenu,
teach all people to pick up their trash
inspire everyone to be nice to the world
make sure everyone is okay
give everyone enough to eat
teach everyone to treat each other nicely and equally
grant everyone a bright future
let there be peace
free all people
let everyone be who they are and be accepted for it
Avinu malkenu, honenu va’anenu ki eyn banu ma’asiminspire everyone to be nice to the world
make sure everyone is okay
give everyone enough to eat
teach everyone to treat each other nicely and equally
grant everyone a bright future
let there be peace
free all people
let everyone be who they are and be accepted for it
asey imanu tzedakah vahesed vehoshi’enu