Friday, October 29, 2010

And Adam said to his mommy...

It has been far too long, and so very many stories ago that I last blogged. Well, I am back! I have promised Nanci that I will once again write about the many lives our book has touched. It was Adam, a little boy from Canada, who has inspired me to do so. Thank you, Cathy, from the BC Center for sending this heartwarming story.

Cathy wrote ... The BC Cancer Agency runs a number of libraries that are open to patients and families. This week at one of our centres a mom and her young son were returning a bunch of books about talking to kids about cancer. The little boy looked at the "Butterfly Kisses and Wishes on Wings" book that they were returning and said sadly, "I'm going to miss that book!" Mom says to us, yes, he really liked that book. And they decided they would read it together one more time before they returned it.

I decided at that moment that Adam needed our book. So I emailed Cathy asking her to find out more information on the little boy. Within a few days I learned that Adam reads our cancer book for children often. As his mom described, "He uses it almost like a security blanket."

Just another example of the value our book offers to a child who has someone in their life with cancer!

With butterfly wishes,
Ellen McVicker, Author